sorry dude, jon dory.

You tweet?


On 2017-08-22 17:42, David A. Powers wrote:
I've heard some decent stuff from Cooly G in the past, though more
into Anthea currently.
Also - I have literally no idea what in the world you just said! ;-)


On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 10:04 AM <> wrote:

Seriously tho, Cooly G is like Dettol mate.


On 2017-08-20 23:15, David A. Powers wrote:
Oh wait, I actually forgot three of my favorites, both as DJ's and
First off, Margarat Dygas who is associated with the Perlon label.
Also affiliated with Perlon, and fantastic, is Sonja Moonear.
Finally, Anthea out of London plays and produces some wicked
down techno.


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