anyone still using Last.FM since they overhauled the site? got a couple
friends that still swear by it and are trying to talk me into scrobbling
plays again....not so sure i'm sold. been doing just fine without it
honestly :P

On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 9:43 AM, the Beauty and Belief Society <> wrote:

> In all honesty Spotify gives me some pretty accurate suggestions.
> On Nov 27, 2017 3:14 AM, <> wrote:
> I for one love discogs in all its imperfection. The new release listings
> for artists in yr collection is nice when you've been away for a while.
> Besides 'discover function' algorithms always vary, juno's always feels a
> bit weak but Rushhour and are good.
> Plus its nice to surf outta discogs too, maybe some like myspace sprawl or
> something, the whole web should be branching + connecting..
> No pleasing some people. ;-P
> C
> On 2017-11-03 22:26, Ronny Pries wrote:
>> Hm, yeah - bit too tedious to dig for those. I just wanna browse e.g.
>> labels by year + genre…
>> Do we know anyone at discogs one could talk to? And isn’t the
>> database open for third parties? Maybe something like that already
>> exists somewhere. hmhmhm.
>> Am 03.11.2017 um 19:24 schrieb John Sokolowski
>>> <>:
>>> Imagine the potential of discogs IF it had a reasonable discovery
>>>>> function... meh!
>>> So true. I find the lists some users make of 'favorite artists,
>>> labels, best of 2017, etc' to somewhat helpful in that regard.

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