newworldaquarium - tresspassers 
13dsr/nwa2, delsin records - available now
To tomorrow.. 
The transition from First Wave to Second Wave
civilization was one long blood-drenched drama of wars, revolts,
famines, forced migrations, coups detat, and calamities. Today
the stakes are much higher, the time shorter, the acceleration
faster, the dangers even greater.

Much depends on the flexibility and intelligence of todays
elites, sub-elites and super-elites. If these groups prove to be as
short-sighted, unimaginative, and frightened as most ruling
groups in the past, they will rigidly resist the Third Wave and
thereby escalate the risks of violence and their own destruction.
If, by contrast, they flow with the Third wave, if they recog-
nize the need for a broadened democracy, they In fact can join in
the process of creating a Third Wave civilization, just as the most
intelligent First Wave elites anticipated the coming of a technologically 
based industrial society and joined in its creation.

Most of us know, or sense, how dangerous a world we live in.
We know that social instability and political uncertainties can
unleash savage energies. We know what war and economic cata-
clysm mean, and we remember how often totalitarianism has
sprung from noble intentions and social breakdown. What most
people seem to ignore, however, are the positive differences be-
tween present and past.

Circumstances differ from country to country, but never in
history have there been so many reasonably educated people, col-
lectively armed with so incredible a range of knowledge. Never
have so many enjoyed so high a level affluence, precarious
perhaps, yet ample enough to allow them time and energy for
civic concern and action. Never have so many been able to travel,
to communicate, and to learn so much from other cultures. Above
all, never have so many had so much to gain by guaranteeing that
the necessary changes, though profound, be made peacefully.
Elites, no matter how enlightened, cannot by themselves make
a new civilization. The energies of whole peoples will be required.
But those energies are available, waiting to be tapped. Indeed if
we, particularly in the high-technology countries, took as our
explicit goal for the next generation the creation of wholly new
institutions and constitutions, we could release something far
more powerful than energy: the collective imagination.
The sooner we begin to design alternative political institutions
based on the three principles described above minority power,

Alvin Toffler.The Third Wave.1980*trespassers.justkoko.koko 
and lee who?.nwaq.2/delsin013
11dsr/psm4 peel seamus - shifting gears
12dsr/fba1 future beat alliance - audio photos
14dsr/aar2 aardvarck - ludiek 
15dsr/var1 various - ..going thru life, delsin compliation
16dsr/otn1 optic nerve - pharaoh's doorway ep
label contact 
delsin records, amsterdam 
fon 20-494-5535 
fax 20-773-8483 
url. http://www.delsin.org 
distribution contact 
rushhour, amsterdam 
fon/fax 20-427-4505 
url. http://www.rushhour.nl 

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