Anyone who has followed my posts on here over the decades know that Kevin
Sanderson is my fave Detroit artist with Juan Atkins a close second. Have
finally had a chance to give the new Inner City LP a few focused listens
and it takes me back to that happiness felt when I first heard "Big Fun" in
1988. Whereas Kevin Saunderson usually does some spoken word, on the title
track to "We All Move Together" that is handled by Idris Elba. There are 11
vocal songs: 8 with Steffanie Christi'an and 3 with Zebra Octobra. Was
unfamiliar with the latter; found some songs from her from a few years
back: downtempo with focus on socio-political concerns including Flint and
area water crisis. Zebra Octobra def holds her own here. My only
disappointment was that the song I raved about here 2 years ago (that was
"Heavy" and had an incredible remix from Carl Craig) is not here in the
same version. Lyrics and music are tweaked and it becomes "Dance". Perhaps
had to be changed as released originally on KMS and not Armada like
"Believe", "Living In A Dream", "Need Your Love", and "Save Me" have been.
In this interview published in Forbes, Kevin talks about the concerns we
have shared here about "whitewash"ing at music festivals and Black

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