My name is Cyborg K.

In 1980, when I was 5 years old, I was abducted by aliens, who installed a
communications chip inside my brain. This chip allowed me to receive and
understand intergalactic transmissions. Around 1998, I began to utilize
some of the information I was receiving, as I encoded alien frequencies
within my music, and broadcast them in order to facilitate an accelerated
evolutionary timeline for the human species.

Unfortunately, around 2007, the communications stopped. For 13 years, no
messages emerged from the distant stars. The cosmos was completely silent.
I began to despair. Was this a sign that the aliens had given up on us? Was
there still hope for the survival and evolution of the human race? Or was
our planet doomed?!

Then, in the spring of 2020, the silence was broken. The transmissions
began again, and so it is that Cyborg K must continue the work of encoding
the alien transmissions within cosmic beats. Will these cosmic frequencies
help humans to overcome their differences in order to avoid a planetary
mass extinction event? Only time will tell...


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