I found the search pretty easily.  You can get around the login by 
your continent.  I agree this doesn't seem incredibly intuitive.  It's
actually pretty annoying.  I didn't bother to register, but it doesn't look
like you get the option to avoid this login screen even if you do.
        I do think the buttons are fairly easy to spot. Once I got past the 
it was fairly intuitive. (It's just windows, tabs, and buttons)  I also like
the new ability to continue searching while looking at the details of an
item, or checking real audio.  (the separate windows make this possible)
        When searching, I used to have the option to view more items per page, 
choosing "Text".  (I'm sure this is invaluable to people w/56k connections).
It doesn't seem to exist on the new site.

Other major complaints --

1. It's easy to break.  It crashed my browser on the first try -- IE 5.5 on
Windows 2000.  (It's usually pretty stable)  I also managed to get a few
javascript errors.

2. It's slow.  (cable modem - avg 90-130 kilobytes/sec)  I'm curious about
how it comes across on a phone line connection.  Anyone out there with a 56k
and a stopwatch?

3. Every time I go to the site, I get a popup saying the page is trying to
display non-secure items.  There's got to be a way to prevent that.

4. My normal browsing tools are useless.  (Back button, wheel on my mouse,

5. What is the control panel all about?  It looks like a way to minimize and
close windows, but the windows have buttons to do that.  I'd expect it to
allow me to change settings of some sort.

6. It's very difficult to browse.  All listings are retrieved by searches.

I hope to hear other opinions on this, I think it's overall more intuitive
than the old one.  ("Listening Lab" never really shouted STORE to me)


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