Yeah, he’s been doing nice stuff. I keep the modular videos at a dostance
for fear of falling down that hole, but his radio show on Buena Vida is
always worth checking , and I
enjoyed his release ln 2SOX earlier this year.

On Monday, 19 December 2022, Mike Taylor <> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I stumbled upon Tom Churchill's YouTube channel a couple of weeks back. He
> used to be a fairly regular poster to the list years ago.
> He has been working in Eurorack and is doing some of the
> deepest/tasteful/musical production that I've seen in that format.
> It's worth checking out for the music, but also because he provides very
> thoughtful  explanations of his tools and working process.
> It's clear that he is a really bright and talented guy.
> Cheers,
> M

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