(Hi Diana!!!)

> A friend who is off list is thinking of going to either.

MIDEM: Looks like WMC Europe (bad) to me (http://www.midem.com/)

MIDEM: Is in Cannes (good), but in late January (brrrrr)

Sonar: Doesn't look or feel like WMC (good)

Sonar: Is in Barcelona (better), and in mid June (ahhhhhh)

I know which one I'd choose.  (Hint: I've been to Sonar twice, MIDEM nonce)


> They want to go to something not as "industry" as WMC-more music based
> but still enough to where they can meet and talk to labels in Europe.

This is the only unknown factor, I suspect this is "better" at MIDEM for
this kind of thing, but I do know that some smaller labels are represented
at Sonar.

But, fuggit.  If she/he wants to go to something not as "industry" as WMC,
either one would fit the bill.

However, if she/he wants to go to something truly amazing and radz0 in an
incredible setting, it's Sonar all the way.  :-)

Only 7 months 'til Sonar 2001,

        - Greg

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