just added a prize package from Solid
Gold Records to the 3rd annual fundraising
auction for ckdu on cognition (http://techno.ca/cognition)
; the label's KJG gives the
lowdown on what's in the package:
"a copy of our previous Solid Gold releases that we
have left in stock--no.s 1, 2, and 4; a copy of the solid
gold playaz release on l. a. williams' chisel
         label, a white label copy of our next release on lsf
(san fransisco), a copy of our next release on
         fresca (chicago), and a cdr with some very advanced
promo tracks; and we might throw in a very
         exclusive solid gold playaz promo mix cd
(or it may be our dark matrix mix cd--electro/techno)"
thanks. andrew duke :)
Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
3rd annual Fundraising Auction for CKDU
is now underway: http://techno.ca/cognition
auction ends Wednesday November 29 at 12noon AST

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