>with this, you could feasibly create symphonies with dance tracks, have 20
>tracks going within a minute or less (I think this is where Hawtin is
>heading), and it wont sound garbled, this is the future of mixing, where
>(finally) the DJ is considered a true composer not just a "disk-jockey".  In
>other words, with digital mixing, the ideas and composition is what really
>counts, and I think this is where its heading...

oh please.. don't people usually go to a parties to hear funky music really
loud & dance & have fun? what is this 'finally being considered a true
composer' of 'symphonies'? whenever i've seen a greata dj i have usually
been completely satisfied and often blown away by the skills, the funk, the
soul, energy etc etc. isn't this enought? i am not anti intellectual.

>records are becoming keys on a piano as opposed to songs in and of

? yeah


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