On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, darw_n wrote:

> since were on this topic, I thought I would throw out the strangest pressing
> I own...
> Its an old reflex record of afex twin, from around 92 or so (its stored
> away) and one track is actually two tracks...

that's analogue bubblebath 3 (and those tracks don't even match beats)
> it worked like this:
> You had to take your Stanton 500 or whatever (no one was using ortafon types
> yet) and literally pull one channel's wire off, then (i forgot how) cross
> the channels...
> simply put, the left channel was one track, the right was another track...

if you play this with proper stereo system, you just put the balance to
the left to hear another track or right to hear the other track.

on the ab3 cd, these tracks are separated.

> weird...

no, he had just recorded one track to left channel and other to right


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