On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 07:08:59PM -0500, Hugh G. Blaze wrote:
> When I say "this" I mean the fact that the mainstream press, the marketing 
> and advertising industries and America in general still remains clueless as 
> to who the artists are that we are interested in, the music that we actually 
> buy (as demonstrated by this poll).
> Is that a good thing or bad thing? Would it be better if every city in the 
> US had a 5,000 person capacity multi-media and Derick May (or whoever) was 
> in the top 40? Would that kill the spirit of the culture, in your opinion? 
> Please answer - your opinions on this are invaluable to me.

This is a really good question...  I'm not sure how I feel about this-
my gut reaction is to say that it's a good thing but I don't want to say
that without really thinking about it first.

I'd say the problem with the mainstream media picking up subgenres is
that they burn fast and die quickly...  If techno (true, underground,
techno) were to get big tomorrow, a lot of people that we know would
probably become superstars overnight and in a year or two it would be
completely dead (a la grunge).

It's basically a tradeoff- I'm sure a ton of amazing music would come
out in those two years, but then none would come out after that.

:: atomly :: 

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