> Subject: Re: [313] the creator
> > On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, jose bello wrote:
> >
> > > who is the creator of this words ?
> > > in the beginning was jack...
> > > Jose Bello.Spain
> >
> > i first heard these words on mr. fingers "can you feel it" but i have this
> > feeling that it is not the original. i have read from somewhere in the
> > that these words are from osheen "my house" but i have not heard the
> > track...

Well, here it is AGAIN..................TP should start a history of house and
techno hotline....he  he he he

This subject came up on the 313 list a few months back, I saved the message
that Terrence Parker posted with the answer to this seemingly omnipotent
question.  So with all credit due to TP, here is his answer:

"The ORIGINAL VERSION of the famous speech "In the beginning there was Jack,
and Jack had a groove . . . ." is by ITALO ECSTASY. The track is entitled
HOUSE," and was ORIGINALLY released on XYZ RECORDS late in the year 1986.

Yes, it was used as a "vocal drop" on top of many instrumental recordings
over the years, including Mr. Fingers' "CAN YOU FEEL IT." But don't get it
twisted ladies and gentlemen. The Mr. Fingers' version (which was originally
(Terrence Parker)

hope this helps........


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