Go into politics instead of boring us with pointless discussions about
techno, geeez it's just music!!! 


> No, I am not saticfied with that, it would imply that we are 
> pretty boring
> and lazy.  No, there is causation for everything, things just 
> don't happen
> for the hell of it.  There is something to keep in mind, 
> there is a global
> scene in which embodies techno, the rave scene.  There is 
> definate reason
> behind that scene, it is not existing for the hell of it, 
> there is very real
> sociological catelysts behind it, and again, there is real 
> reason for the
> rave scene clentching onto techno like it has...
> Another thing, artists often disregard more scientific 
> explainations in that
> science isn't all that artsy, and inderstandably so.  But I 
> propose that
> this is why Jeff Mills and others have complete skirted more 
> scientific
> explainations, its not art to do so...
> And so be it, and visa versa, it is my desire to interpret what is
> happening.  BTW, we have gone nearly 15 years with barely any 
> analysis...
> and analysis is *definately* needed when a movement overtakes 
> the entire
> globe, almost all authority figures are scared, so on and so forth...
> you cant just brush it off as a social fluke...
> darw_n
> "create, demonstrate, toneshift..."
> http://www.mp3.com/stations/clevelandunderground
> http://www.mp3.com/darw_n
> http://www.sphereproductions.com/topic/Darwin.html
> http://www.mannequinodd.com
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