I am preety sure the domain was a mirror for to the demf.org site as well.

>..Needless to say everybody was excited as this domain name could attract ALOT
> of attention.He had just about every good web designer in the Detroit area
> offering to design the page. He had at least a dozen qualified offers and
> submissions thrown his way.
I would love to see some sites that use the very talented designs of Abdul
Haqq. I have been patiently waiting to see some of Haqq's work online (the
brief interview with him and Derrick May in 'universal techno' even shows
them talking about putting his work online. I know he has a web page but
like most web sites these days they often don't get updated. Usally due to a
'lack of content' (hell, i am guilty of this myself).

>I tried to let him know that it IS just
> a web page, and that web pages don't bring about enlightenment and we should
> go ahead and design something.
The thing is it could be much more, here are some suggestions for what i
would like to see on a detroittechno.org/com/net site.

- a  313 FAQ!
- a guide to all Detroit releases with a voting system and notes that can be
submitted by anyone that is a subscriber.
- a guide to where to stay in Detroit, how to get to Detroit!
- a guide to all artists and DJ's
- a guide to all radio stations
- esp a guide to any Detroit techno 'people' that have an online presence.
- interviews and background info that we can point people to read about
Detroit producers.
- sound files in real audio.
- a detailed rundown of famous Detroit clubs (Music Institute, Shelter..)
- as David said "It could have been an excellent vehicle for the current
generation of new Detroit producers."
- web forums to discuss all these areas.
- information on how to book these artists and DJ's
- info on those DJ's and producers that are no longer living in Detroit but
are regarded as from Detroit.
- information about Detroit filmakers, animators, writers etc, designers.
- info on the people that have inspired the music/culture of Detroit techno.

> It could have been a medium to tell the world (SHOW the
> world) what's really going down in Detroit.

that is sad. I hope someone gets motivated and sets up a site like the ideas
i have suggested above. For far too long what we hear about Detroit techno
is filtered from old PR and old magazine interviews..some reviews these days
still refer to the liner notes of records that were released 10+ years

time for some WWW action!


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