Not to disrespect your exception, but I intended to comment on my overall
impression on the CD. Personally, I don't care how it was accomplished  -
it sounds very good and is a great bargain. Aaron's mixes always function
as nice samplers for the"vinyl-poor" and they accomplish quite well what
he sets out to do with BleepBloop : exposure. While I understand that
some people might take points off for not having a straight 'live' mix
with a couple of tables, as you said yourself, he could have done that if
he wished. I simply wanted to drop the word that the mix was out there,
was nice and worthy of note. Again, no disrespect intended.

Jwan Allen wrote:

> not to start a flamewar or a lengthy i'm glad that you enjoyed the cd
> but my problem with the bleepbloop cds, (and aaron is a friend) is
> that he uses a computer. which is just wack in my opinion. I've heard
> him play and he could of just made the mix with 2 1200's and sounds
> just as good. what can i say I guess i'm old fashion.



 ICQ904008 (but I'm never on)

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