Re: [313] Detroit techno isn't techno?

"People always say that Detroit was the beginning of 
everything. I think that the early so-called Detroit 
techno is more house than techno. And when you're 
talking house it's clear where that got started. Not 
Detroit, but Chicago. I have many friends in Detroit 
and regularly DJ at the Motor Lounge."


attn: all "detroit techno" haters

1.) insecurity leads to defensive behavior.

on the offensive:
1.) if your friends dj at the motor lounge, they probably do play "house 
music". in detroit clubs techno is hardly performed, and even rarer are djs 
bangin it out. 
2.) as far as who was first, i wasnt around in 1981/2, but i will think that 
there was no "techno" music before cybotron. 
3.) as far as detroit is concerned, how many instances has the term "detroit 
techno" been heard or written? many thousands of times? obviously a large 
number of people acknowledge the idea that there is a "detroit techno" out 
there.  yeah, it builds off all kinds of music (including "chicago house") 
(including stuff parents subject their kids to) (including church hymns) 
(etc.). ive never heard of a baptist minister upset that a guy is labeling his 
music as "detroit techno" without giving any credit to his church choir 
(baptist techno?), although god does get a lot of credit on detroit labels. 

"detroit techno" 

music is one of the means by which people locate themselves on earth-tony

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