As a side note to the detroit house/techno discussion,
and at the risk of upsetting a few listmembers, does
anyone else think the new Stacey Pullen on his Black
Flag label is a major disappointment? This is a man
who was once responsible for some of the best Detroit
techno (Eye to Eye, The Death March) who now puts out
an EP to compete with the worst cheesy British house.

I know some of you really dig it, but I'm definitely
not alone in my city in thinking it's a real dud.


And to balance my dissing of a Detroit native, the
Recloose remix of his own Can't Take It is up their
with my year's favourites. (The Herbert mix is also
absolutely brilliant; and the Carl Craig mix pretty
damn good too).



"Stop, Dave. I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel 
it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel 
it." : HAL 9000

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