On Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 10:35:09PM -0500, Jorge Velez wrote:
> Does anyone have experience using a laptop (particularly
> a Mac Powerbook) in a live setting/performance? It's
> coming down to the wire for me - I'll need to take my
> machine out in March and make folks move, but I'm a
> bit freaked. Never done this before...

I've done a grip of live shows with a laptop and they've all gone off
without a hitch, but I do use a PC (which would imply less stability
unless you're using an old Mac OS)...  I've also seen a lot of people
use Macs live (running Max/MSP or Reaktor usually).

Just do a few practice sets at home to make sure you're comfortable with
the software and don't think it will crash if you run it for an hour+

:: atomly :: 

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