Well I know nothing about the film, but 
the website is very cool and enigmatic:


A very techno web-site, just to keep 
it somehow on topic! (nice little loops 
not a million miles from some Transmat 




> -----Original Message-----
> From: diana potts [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 2:23 PM
> To:   enlighten
> Subject:      Re: [313] Traffic (off topic bandwith)
> okay, so perhaps the only that understood me on that
> was myself.
> I'll give Jochem two bonus points for humor.
> To be more clear and to go into depth a bit... I
> thought the casting for this movie was well done.
> Though it was bumper to bumper celebrities, IMO they
> were each placed in roles that suited and challenged
> them.
> I thought the overall message that i got from the
> movie was something that I really grabbed onto, as its
> been a personal view of mine for a long, long time.
> BUT I don't want to give much of the movie away or
> give pre stated, concrete views into the topic or
> movie's message and ruin it for other people. And yes,
> that is still vague- but I think the less you know
> about this movie and the more you form your own
> thoughts about it, the more impact it will have. So,
> on that note- all i can say is I highly suggest
> Traffic as it has to do with a topic that has been
> discussed a little bit on this list and much with in
> the subculture we all exist in. Sorry if that all
> seems pointless, I think once you see the movie you'll
> understand.
> ok...that's enough off topic.
> sorry.
> d

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