the primevil record and both re-loops 01 and 02 (with the "rock the disco
tech" sample) are uros umek and valentino kanzyani.
03 (just out) is only umek. 04 will be only valentino.

   ___  __    __ ____ ___  ___  ___
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     /_/ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dennis Donohue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

| It definitely is not..
| Recycled loops (the first one) on  Primevil is done by Umek Uros and
| Kanzyani (first name is too difficult to remember).  the second instance
| that I know about is on a different label and has a much housier feel :
| includes the lyrics: "rock the disco tech...".  this one is only Umek (I
| beleive)
| Unless there are other ones floating around, those would disclude Richard
| Harvey AKA user AKA Dean Cole.

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