<plug mode on>

Southern Outpost - Boogie down 313 ep

</plub mode off>

A bit off electro for your speakers :)


At 8:40 PM -0800 10/1/01, FC3 Richards wrote:
i am in the need of some good recommendations of records that have come out
in the last 5 months.  i have been out of the loop because of this damn
underway thing.  I am looking for techno mainly, and a little house and
electro.  don't ask for any sub genre's because i really don't care.  good
music is good music.  I am  *finally* going to be on land and in the general
vicinity of a record store here sometime soon. i can't wait.

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Agent Patrick - The Sentinel.
Southern Outpost, Sydney, AU
D E M A N D  I N N O V A T I O N

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