>Was wondering if any of you are checking out the new Ken Burns' documentary,
>called "Jazz" on PBS?

>I'm also wondering what it'll say about Jazz in regards to influencing
>techno, if any.

Probably *nothing*.  It pretty much ignores JAZZ of the last 40 years, never
jazz influenced genres.  It's an interesting series but it completely slights
any modern jazz trends spending only one episode to go from something like 1960
- 2000.

Blame Wynton Marsellis - his agenda as jazz's self appointed savior from
is well known.  But he's a *boring* musician imnsho.

It's a decent history, just realize it's more a general analysis of race and
in America, using a few figures from the jazz age for illustration.  If you
are really interested in Jazz *music* it's kinda lightweight.  And they totally
my fave jazz heros, people like Sun Ra, Cecil Taylor (who is attacked in the
Ornette Colemann, Don Cherry, Steve Lacy, JJ Johnson, etc.

But at least they give props to the Duke...


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