Profan is one of the all time great german minimal labels run by Wolfgang
and Reinhart Voigt to of the most prolific German producers today.

Wolfgang has gone by so many names its not funny (think Atom Heart alias'
times 2).  Some of the more common ones are Mike Ink, M:I:5, Gas,
Grungerman, Sweet Reinhard, Wasserman, and Studio 1.  He's is the originator
of  the Studio 1 label (of which Brinkmann first did his variations on), the
Kreisel label, a slew of smaller german grunge acid labels like Djungle,
Auftrieb and Freidland, and has released on big labels like Force Inc. and

Please check out Burger/Ink  Las Vegas on Matador, this is the all time
greateset minimal album released!

FYI Profan 2 is by Sweet Reinhard and is called Kultur.  Alot of profan
stuff now is ambient or (ie Reinhards Premiere World) some of the sweeter
Profan releases were by M:I:5, Wasserman, Studio 1, Pentax and Reval (watch
out or Pentax's Das Album though its just a bunch of blips and bleeps)

Hope that helps
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 11:27 AM
Subject: [313] Profan 4 Reinhardt Voigt

> Was listening to  Profan 4 Reinhardt Voigt.
> I've also heard  Profan 2 by Brinkmann.
> What other stuff is on the label?
> Any comments on  Profan 4 and Reinhardt Voigt or the label
> mediadrome
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