Deliverator wrote:
> I recently picked up Derrick May's latest mix up cd, and it featured a
> classic track that I was never able to ID from Convextion.  This track
> absolutely floors me every time i hear it.  From what I can tell, it looks
> like they had 2 releases out of detroit back in 96-97....Does anyone have
> any more info on these guys?

I seem to remember it is one guy from Houston, but I'm sure Sean will
have more info. The two releases on Matrix were very good, particularly
"Ebullience" never seems to leave the front of my crate.

As Tristan said, there's an album forthcoming on Tektite (is Merrick
still on the list?), a sampler of which is released as TITE-10. The
Tektite website had the tracks in Realaudio
( and they're in similar
vein as the EPs on Matrix, in other words: class.


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