>I can't believe the things I read on this list.  This list, which uses
>the works of Alvin Toffler in vain and frequently evokes the imagry of
>Blade Runner and music created in a present future dystopia, and then I
>read crap like this:
>"Sounds horrible, going through the box is part of the artform. It would
>make it too calculated, you can't flick through your box, land on
>else and think hmmm, now maybe I can play that instead."

>"Do you really want to watch some dude just press a few
>buttons on a computer, a pre-planned set, there could be no spontaneity,
>by default. It would be as boring as hell. Any fool could use the new
>system as it would be a relative cinch."

Well man since you quote my "crap" as call it maybe you should keep in mind
that I never cite Toffler, Blade Runner, et al. I stick to my words.  

>I also sometimes wonder about about the reading ability of people on
>this list.  I seem to recall saying "the only aspect of DJ'ing that it
>changes is the carrying of vinyl and selecting of tracks to play."  Do
>you people have that much difficulty with English?  Is the Aussie
>dialect really that difficult that it doesn't penetrate the quoted
>sentence?  I will break down the sentence:

Well I have a scholarship-based first class hons degree in English at the
Australian equivalent of an Ivy League University so maybe you should
freakin' hold off on the presumptions.

>*the only aspect of DJ'ing that it changes* - this implies there is only
>one aspect, but there are actually two, now I see why you are all
>*is the carrying of vinyl* - this is aspect one, the DJ doesn't have to
>carry around as much vinyl anymore.  How much less is up to the
>*and selecting of tracks to play* - this is the other aspect, the DJ no
>longer has to flip through a box of records.

And you think that change in set up wouldn't impact on DJing? Do we have to
spell it out for you?

>So with that out of the way and because I am bored and incredulous I
>will respond to each of these in order.
>"Sounds horrible, going through the box is part of the artform. It would
>make it too calculated, you can't flick through your box, land on
>else and think hmmm, now maybe I can play that instead."
>--> How the hell is looking through a box for something you can't find
>and maybe left at home part of any artform?!?  And is this any different
>than the DJ looking through the porn folder on their computer and
>finding some track and thinking "oh yeah that's where I downloaded that
>stupid thing, my mouse must have slipped while I was typing with one
>hand, lemme play this now because I am so spontaneous and

I stand by my words, you don't have a clue. Either that or you are a
salesman for it. You sound like one of the iMac sales people when I put it
to them that the iMac has been an absolute disaster and there had been a
cover up and they denied it, made sexist accusations, etc. Next day the
company posted it's finincial report, not good. Whole universities are
trashing them etc - my research background came up with some embrassing info
for them, too. Why are you so damn overwrought over it. Up until now it was
a good discussion and very interesting. Just maybe you failed to explain it
properly. But I stick by my POV and won't be intimidated by this nonsense. I
know PLENTY of good international DJs would agree

>--> The modern DJ is a product of evolution, the future DJ will also
>be.  As for house DJ's, the main propent of this system is Acquaviva,
>last I checked he was pretty "house" maybe he's changed in the last
>three weeks.

Sure, he's house but he is not part of the house tradition that takes in
MAW, Francois K, etc.

>Good GOD, if you people can't deal with technological and social change
>now I'd hate to see you when you're 50+.

Well you can't tolerate discussion, other POV, and that's real sad.

Lighten up!



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