For those who don't know MAX/MSP is a pimpin programming environment which
can be used to process midi and audio in all kinds of previously unthinkable
ways. People also use this program to control lighting rigs, networked
computers, and in some cases even smart houses.

The thing you've got to remember is that MAX is a programming environment.
When Opcode licensed it from Cycling '74 they packaged it as a musical
software program and sold it. I couldn't believe they didn't build more core
objects such as midi sync modules, BPM translaters for sequencers, and
better sync support for interface w/ standard sequencers. I had to construct
objects containing 20 objects and various variables just to get certain time
code in and out of the program.

Usually what I think you find are various software engineers/people with
enough time on their hands/programming tolerance to sit around and
understand the whole program. After that they educate others on it's
operation and assist with basic module construction. Not that hard really. I
have some people who wanted to pay me to sit around and learn it. Don't
think it'll go down quite that way, but I would probably require payment in
order to sit around and learn that beast from scratch.

Other gripes...MAX uses Opcodes "Time Stamper" technology. This passes basic
midi clock and time code on from a sequencer via OMS to MAX. Unfortunately
the only sequencer to date which uses Time Stamper is Opcodes Studio Vision
Pro. And if you know what's up Opcode MAY be ill ill fated thanks to World
Dominance fantasizing guitar mongers Gibson. Anyways, there may be work
arounds to this time code issue, but when I asked the head of an electronic
music dept. out in a cali university (friends w/ David Z., inventor of the
prog.) for help I received several pages of straight code, and lots of weird
SMPTE routing in and out of interfaces, along with a humble "I'm not really
sure if this will work".  Again, I know the program can be beautiful, but it
sure helps to have people around you who truly understand it! My buddy goes
to the Expression School for New Media out in San Fran and he says although
they have MAX around the school he can't find a single instructor or student
using it for midi/audio. It's controlling intelligent light set-ups and what

MSP is MAX's audio set of objects for processing samples ala autechre and
various experimental sounding crews.

The whole set-up is great, and I challenge anyone to get into it. Someday I
will probably finally integrate it into my set-up. In the meantime I'll tell
anyone who wants to attempt to grapple with it what I know, hand them the
1100 pages of printed manual I have, and let them go to town! Peace -

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