Lots of things to discuss/clarify.

First, I think I need to clarify what an mp3.com station is.
http://www.mp3.com/stations/313 will serve as a home for aspiring and
established musicians wishing to broadcast their original 313 inspired
compositions. A station when used this way, is nothing more than a
centralized location where listeners can hear similar compositions. If for
instance, you have a CD you are selling, or are interested in getting
payback for playback, all of this remains unchanged. This station is a
promotional tool for producers and an easy choice for listeners. That's it.
I get no $ for running it, you lose nothing by having me post your mp3.com
tracks to the station. The mechanics of it are very simple. I just link your
song to the station after I listen to it. I've also written brief reviews.

However, that oversimplifies things quite a bit. The purpose of this as I
envision it is to provide a home for a community of producers with a similar
vision. The benefit to us all is that if someone goes to, for instance
Christian Bloch's site, clicks on the "stations playing this artist" link
and lands at the 313 station, we all stand the chance of drawing in new
listeners. The same goes for our listeners who may have never listened to
Christian's music. They may head to the Funque Dropping or Tresor bins next
time they're at the local shoppe or purchase his music from the site.

Quality standards: So far I am floored by the quality of the music on the
site and the self-restraint of the artists who asked me to post tracks. So
far, everyone has been very good about only submitting a few tracks, of
their many. I think this is very good for the station. Your site is still
your site. If you submit your best songs to the station, the listener's
expectations will remain high, and they will be more likely to visit your
site. So going forward, I would like to ask everyone to use their best
judgement when offering new material for the station. For instance, you may
want to post it to your site, wait for feedback from friends, then decide if
it's something you want on the station. This is going to be a hub for people
to get a taste of your site. I think we want to provide something unique and
avoid redundancy. That said, all is excellent at the moment, and I'm just
trying to put some wind behind that sail.

My tyranny: I've had a few questionable submissions from casual visitors.
One hard rock band and a few trance tracks. That's to be expected I suppose.
I wish people would just read the text at the top of the site. :) So far I
have not rejected any material from listmembers, and I don't foresee the
need to as long as we keep the quality level where it's at. I never could
have imagined the 25 songs up there now could all be as good as they are.
Excellent work boys! [Ahem] Female producers, that hint was fully intended.
Please ask to have your tracks posted. I'm fed up with an all-male 313

How to get me your material: Please send me a brief email with the following

a) your mp3.com address

b) the song names you would like included on the 313 station

c) a *brief* description of you or your band with whatever info you deem
pertinent. Yes, we have a band on the 313 station. Check out i maj'in. It's
borderline 313, but I think it's just inside the city limits.

Exclusivity: Presently everyone on the site is from the 313 or TechKnow
lists. I have had no response from other lists where I posted this
information. What are your thoughts on keeping things this way? I could slap
this restriction on the station in a heart beat if we think it's
advantageous. Please email me in private.

How to order songs: Presently, I need to select the song order. I've made an
initial attempt to put what is in my mind the best track by an artist
towards the top of the page, but this will become increasingly difficult as
more songs are added. I have a few questions about this.

a) the song order seems to be changing on me. Does it vary based on the
number of hits at the station? Anyone know?

b) I have an old track of mine stuck on the page somehow. I can't remove it
or change it's position. So you know, I'm not trying to boost all my tracks
up towards the top.

c) how would you suggest we approach this going forward? Is there an
objective standard we can use? Presently, new material defaults to the
bottom, which seems counter-intuitive to me. Please email suggestions in

313 vs. TechKnow going forward: I don't want to keep clogging the lists with
this information. I sent this message because there are many questions, and
people press delete too quick sometimes. I will try to keep the posts to a
bare minimum going forward, and I will try to give updates on good new
material in bulk to make deletion easy. I will also be starting an artist
roster, and may email you off-list. If the roster grows substantially, a
third, very low-volume 313 list may be in order.  If anything about this
station belongs on 313, it's a review of new content. The rest of this
should be off-list, or possibly on the TechKnow list when needed. So, this
is my last post to 313 on this topic, except for an occasional review. Sorry
to waste so much bandwidth! I've probably got an entire digest on this
message alone.

For more info on the station please review the original message below if
your delete key finger was too happy.

Oh, and one last plug (I promise)! For people who were put-off by the low
quality Real Audio on my album Québécois, or new list members, I've added it
to my site, and selected tracks will be available on the station. You can
also finally purchase it on CD. I wasn't going to post it in mp3 for fear of
piracy (I'm very paranoid about such tings), but I thought it would be a
good way to prove my commitment to the station. I spent two years working on
it, so I'd be happy to know your thoughts. When the folks at mp3.com finally
get it posted, it will stream in a semi-continuous 74 minute mix. I also
added the one track that didn't make the cut for the album. Hopefully it
will all be online by the end of tonight or tomorrow.

The URL for the station one more time is: http://www.mp3.com/stations/313

Eleven mixes, one album, various tracks, pics and info here:
<FrogboyMCI> on AOL IM

"Deserve's Got Nothing to Do With it".
-Clint Eastwood, Unforgiven

-----Original Message-----
From: Phonopsia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 313 <313@hyperreal.org>; Tech Know <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, January 29, 2001 9:49 PM
Subject: More Streamlining

>In an effort to remove SPAM from these lists (of which I've been a major
>culprit), I opted to create a 313 station on mp3.com. I know it's sort of
>presumptuous since I'm not actually from Detroit. I did live in Ann Arbor
>for a while when I was a kid if that counts ;), but I think it's a needed
>step to compliment the TechKnow list, and get 313 and TechKnow under
>so we don't have to sift through 100+ emails/day. Although it's been rather
>calm lately, I don't anticipate it will remain that way. Work smarter, not
>harder, right?
>So... if any producers on these lists would like to submit their mp3.com
>member page names to me, and a list of tracks you would like to have
>broadcast at the station, please email me that information. I figure with
>the response to Redux, and the number of "listen to my tracks" emails I get
>every day, this should be a hit. Not to mention how many of us are looking
>for good new music online while we toil at the 9-5. Hopefully this will
>life a little easier on both of those accounts, and possibly get us some
>much needed promotion.
>At the moment, I'm not going to restrict people off-list from submitting
>material to me, but if it gets too big I may impose this standard at a
>date. Wishful thinking, eh? All material must be in the spirit of these
>lists though. Hopefully we all know what that means without being too
>or too loose with our defintions. The idea is, if you produce drum n bass,
>probably wouldn't post the track unless it had a uniquely Detroit feel to
>it. Make sense? I think it's not so much what you make as the spirit in
>which you make it, so we'll go that route. The basic standard is going to
>be, do I think most people on this list would think it fits the broadly
>defined mold? If so, then I'll post it. I'm not going to be a tyrant.
>As I will be reviewing compositions for content, I may from time-to-time
>post reviews of new material submitted for the station. Let me know what
>think of this idea one way or the other, or pay "us" a visit at
>http://www.mp3.com/stations/313 I say pay "us" a visit, b/c I'm the only
>on there right now. ;) Hopefully that will change soon. It's not my intent
>to prevent people from sharing their new music directly with the list, but
>hopefully to limit the volume of "I posted revision #7 of the track I made
>yesterday". I do this as much to prevent myself from these annoyances as
>everyone else. Let's see what happens!
>Eleven mixes, one album, various tracks, pics and info here:
><FrogboyMCI> on AOL IM
>"Deserve's Got Nothing to Do With it".
>-Clint Eastwood, Unforgiven

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