> I love working on music, and DJing, but I can't seem
> to find enough time to do either to the extent that I
> would like. At which time it becomes necessary to get
> involved with the business end of things to hopefully
> find that time somewhere down the road. 
I don't disagree with that idea.
I was disagreeing with the concept that everyone that dj's
or makes tracks or whatever needs to have a certain
attitude to make it in "this business".
I know I, for one, would love to have all the free time
in the world to devote to music.
I don't think me treating it like a business is gonna help
even if I am making money off of it, I don't think one needs
to treat it as "this business"
you paint a picture and sell it, you can still be a painter
and not a businessman

> > > >nah.
> > > >
> > > >pessimists are either always right or pleasently
> > surprised.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > 
> > > or maybe never being able to get where they want
> > to be
> > > in this business because they dwell on that sort
> > of thinking.
> > yes, heaven forbid someone treat music as an art or
> > a form of pleasure
> > instead of a business.
> > that kind of thinking will get you nowhere but
> > happy.

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