Techno Unit 30, as one might guess from the title, is a definite  
departure from the ‘floating’ aspects of Kucharz’ previous work  
(save “Unit 23” going all the way back to ‘91).  Here the tones are modulated 
and syncopated in various ways to create a sort-of rhythmic approach - again 
dense, layered, and cyclical - although in many cases the results are more 
interesting on a cerebral level than the pure emotional value of his 
‘floating’ work.   That said, this seems like a very experimental collection 
of ideas, one that might provide some inspiration and ideas to budding young 
d&b musicians, although the material here is not presented in any sort of pop 
context, but instead as a pure exploration of sonic possibilities.  File 
under experimental Techno - Peter Thelen
Exposé "Exploring The Boundaries of Rock"
Audiochrome, the latest disc by Larry Kucharz blurs the line between 
contemporary composition and techno music... 
newmusicbox. - American Music Center                            

Approaching utter two-lane blacktop anonymity, Larry Kucharz’s pure Techno 
project paradoxically has ten times more ‘personality’ than most CD’s here. 
in brief electronica Ian Penman The Wire 
available from Hypnos  

available from BACKROADS MUSIC       toll free (800) 767-4748 
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             website: 
Visit the  International Audiochrome  Website at 

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