The reception to this event happening next Friday is the most
313music-related. If you enjoy any sort of electronic art, there may be
other things that interest you, so check out the website for details.

entity, the Ann Arbor Digital Artists Group, proudly presents.....

---------------IMMEDIA 1901

The largest  annual exhibition of new electronic and digital art in the
Mid-West.  This year we have attracted submissions from across the country
and around the world.  The sixth year running, immedia1901 is by far the
largest, most diverse and best prepared showcase yet!

This year's theme reflects 100 years of technological innovation:
immedia1901 attempts to draw a parallel between the industrial revolution
of the last turn-of-the-century with the current digital revolution of the
new millennium.

We have gathered an eclectic and talented group of performers, speakers,
and artists this year and are expecting it to be a unique experience for
both performer and audience community.

The exhibition will be open for viewing from 1 PM until 9 PM February 8th
through February 18th in the Media Union on University of Michigan's
North Campus located at 2281 Bonisteel Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI. Opening
Reception on Friday, February 9th from 7 PM with an opening presentation
beginning at 5:30 PM. Admission Free. Parking Free.

Schedule as Follows

February 9th: Opening Night
5:30-7:00 Jaron Lanier
7-Midnight Opening Night Reception

Opening Night Performers:
Room 1: Video studio
Room 2: Central Collaboration Area

Room 1...
7-8: Isaac Dietz (dj/performer)
8-9: Diana Potts (dj/performer)
9-10:30: Tomorrowland  (electronic super-group)
10:30-12: Tom Linder (performer)

Room 2...
7-9: Rob Theakston  (dj/performer)
9-10: Bill vanLoo  (dj/performer)
10-11: Nate Deyonker (dj/performer)
11-12: Jeremy Kallio and Partner dance performance

{ { C u r r e n t S p o n s o r s , P r o mo t e r s , E t c . } }

Apple Computers
NIQ, Inc.
WCBN 88.3 fim
ArtByte magazine
Digital Detroit
The Current
The Ann Arbor Observer

And across the University of Michigan:
School of Art and Design
Media Union
School Of Information
School of Music
College of Engineering
College of Literature, Science & the Arts
Program in Film & Video Studies
Instructional Technology Center
Learning Technology Group
New Media Center
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
The Office of the Vice President for Research of the University of Michgan

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