
I did witness Richies complete domination of the Twilo crowd on Friday. As 
usual the amazing "Phazon" sound system was in full effect, and I could not 
believe how many people were feeling his vibe. I closed out the place around 
7:30. Its a shame you didnt stay until the end. For the last hour he 
completely brought his whole set down with the most amazing funky, jazziest 
shit I have ever heard. He even dropped a few disco tracks which just amazed 
everyone. At the end of his set, the entire crowd(about 300), were screaming, 
and chanting. Richie rose above the decks and extended his pointer finger, 
w/o saying a word. 1 last track was what he had to offer. I have never heard 
a track more uplifting, funky, and hard all at the same time in my life. And 
by the way the crowd danced to it, I think they all felt the same way. After 
his last track...a single sole began to stomp his feet. Within seconds, the 
entire crowd was following his lead. It sounded like an army of troops 
marching into battle. He couldnt do a thing about it---he clapped for us, b/c 
he knew we appreciated his work. After his set i walked up to him and asked 
"what was that last track?" He laughed..smiled, and said "its something I 
found on an old tape from about 5 years ago--I only play it on amazing 
nights." I smiled..shook his hand, and walked away. 

Every time I see Richie he amazes me more and more. I know some of you dont 
like his sets, and maybe its b/c he "bangs" out most of the night. I don't 
know about Detroit..but in NYC there is something special when he comes 
around. Everyone is friendly, even your typical "clubber.". At peak early 
morning hours, there is a feeling in the air, a sense of joy and new life. I 
brought a friend of mine who is a complete old school raver. Loves his 
breaks, loves his trance...and hasnt been to a club in years. I told him to 
come out and experience it for himself before he passed judgement on it. He 
walked out of the club speachless. He couldn't believe the vibe, the way 
everyone knew how to dance, and most of all, the music. He could not believe 
that a Dj could move the crowd the way Richie did. Ive said it once, and I'll 
say it again. IMO (so I dont get reamed), Richie is by far the most amazing 
Dj around. I would choose to see him over any other Dj.  He makes the people 
move....he makes the people scream....and damnit..he makes the people 

Mike D. 

ps...Lara..are u in NYC?

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