A lot of the Prescription records don't have titles
from what I can tell, and even the ones that do don't
always have song titles. Basically, there was a good
deal of redundancy in the earlier releases, like I
think I have about 6 or 7 versions of "I Feel the
Rhythm" spread out across the releases up through
maybe 111? 100-111 were the earlier releases, and
after that they seemed to get less redundant. That
said, there's something uniquely valuable on each of
the records that will make you want them all. I think
I have the entire catalog from when they were under
Cajual, but I'm really not sure. I get the feeling
there may not be a discog due to the lack of info on
the records. 

The Cajual website is still down, so no clarification
there. I'll try and piece together some "Prescription
Essentials" sooner or later. Can't promise it
immediately though. 


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> anywhere I can get a Prescription discography????
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