I have this record called The Isolationaist....I haven't listened to it in a 

but I guess it falls into that "category."

But for the record I wanna say that there is no such thing as "experimental" 
hip-hop just like there is no such thing as alternative hip-hop. To quote 
Greg Tate the only alternative to hip-hop is silence. Remember Bambaataa and 
the pioneers used everything to make hip-hop and still do. 

Hip-hop is hip-hop. Because when you say experimental that means it goes 
outside a "norm" and that's the kind of BS marketing thinking we want to get 
away from.

Which makes me the pose the question of what those records are like that are 
reviewed in the Experimental section URB magazine???

Techno is techno right???? But we could say well these records from that 
region emphasize more of a melodic sound or this or that??? 

The term experimental can only survive if there is something accepted to move 
away from. To me all is fair in art, I just use a lot of adjectives and 
comparisons but....

does anybody know what I mean??? either it's jamming or it isn't and that 
could be anything from a Detroit Techno record to some minimalist stuff from 
Lamonte Young (weak area for me BTW)


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