Through audio intercourse of mantra's more minimalistic tastes, muscadine is
born. muscadine's recent debut appearance is the upanddown ep released for
free with Neferiu Records. This ep displays an organic minimalism through
vinyl manipulation, synthesis and loop based sampling. Techno that defies
techno with timing variations and experiments that make it more of a science
project than a musical endeavor. Bringing this experimental sound to Neferiu
records was indeed a wise choice and establishes the fact that the label is
ready and willing to take on projects that drift from the norm.

Check the release section of the Neferiu Records site ( )

n a t e . s c h m o l d
n e f e r i u . r e c o r d s
w w w . n e f e r i u . c o m
4 0 3 . 2 6 5 . 2 6 2 3

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