From: "Mike Holiday" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Haus 23
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 19:51:46 -0800

Haus 23 was formulated in the fall of 1996 by 2 DJ's who realized they had a
To unleash chaos upon the Systematic Programming and Harvesting of human beings that has transcended upon the terra formation known as EARTH.

At that moment then decided to forever release Disaster and Kaos upon all systematic social structures aimed at repossessing and colonizing the human brain.

Warriors fighting within the info sphere, they realized The Last War was being staged and the only remaining territory to be concurred was THE HUMAN MIND.

Defenders of the last free realm they transcended within omni directional
Trans-dimensional interconnectedness.

They realized they were not alone.

The Groove prevailed.
Destined to rise between all things real and unreal. From no beginning and having no end. Riding on nothing and in-between everything. The Groove was the last True Realm.

The realization occurs:
If they can tap into the groove they can free their minds. If they can show others the groove, they can free all minds and save the human brain from outside colonization and infiltration. The Human Soul would prevail!!

At this juncture they met The Supreme Counsoul of the High Groove.
The Groove Counsoul is a circle, created with the purpose of protecting the groove from any unworthy. Making sure that only true energy connected to the infinite source of all differentiating patterns perceived and unperceived, the stream of consciousness through which the eye of the universe saw itself upon the moment of its own creation. After undergoing fierce militant training tactics necessary for ultimate surrender to the force of the ever-releasing energy broadcasts transmitted from inside and unleashed from deep within the Groove.

The team returned back unto earth with a mission: To find other like-minded terrestrial beings and complete a neural circuit capable of receiving and transmitting groove related signals around the earth. Unifying the grooves of earth consciousness to The Groove's original source of all transferring energy principals, thus uniting into the unification processes destined since the beginning of differentiation amongst polarities conceived within the impregnation of singularity.

Set on preserving the space of dreams, a ritual of groove conductivity was set between THE WHEELS OF REVOLUTION. Bent on keeping the TABLES TURNING, uniting two grooves to synchronisticly add and subtract, release and absorb, connecting into the flow amongst all things in and out of domains set forth expanding from all directions.

THE PARTY was set into action to assemble groups of perspective front line key administrators. The stage has been set and the battle has begun. The Groove is calling. War has been waged on the last free realm where limitations know no boundaries. Where evolutionary transmutation occurs at accelerated rates allowing individuals to access within themselves the powers conceived upon the birth of ideas.

NOW in the dawn of 2001 we are calling on all neural warriors and cyber shamans to conduct an experiment in the highest order. By coming together and uniting all energy, and becoming through the groove and out through the neural-web-circuit the shielding process necessary to begin the first step of regaining territories already lost shall occur.


Mike Holiday

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