On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 10:38:55AM +0100, Otto Koppius wrote:
> Stewart Caig wrote:
> > I'm going to be in Detroit for the DEMF and wondered if any 313ers knoe what
> > the possibility is of getting into the Somewhere in Detroit record store. I
> > heard that its appointments only. what's the score?
> Last year they were open all day especially for DEMF, so they might do
> that again this year. But then again, they might do something completely
> else instead :)

actually, monday morning of the demf the store was "closed", but the 
submerge crew was serving brunch instead.. 


> Otto

e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      c: +1.614.260.6716      u: www.ele-mental.org

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