I hope my post was clear as I am very tired and I didn't want to add to wild
speculation or confuse, so don't get mad anyone. The idea of this spin-off
mini tour thing I referred to came from the guy involved with the Australian
tour with Carl last June? This promoter asked me if I would be up for doing
publicity for it but I don't really do publicity (yet!), only the odd press
release or bio for anyone as a freelancer and I thought it was very
hypothetical and was unsure whose idea it was. It was all very vague. I just
thought the guy who speculated about Europe may have heard a similiar rumour
that is already scrambled, maybe something along the same lines, etc, etc. 
Any clarification and I will answer privately after my weekly deadline

>Carl Craig will have the last laugh after the Undersea Electronic Music
>Festival (with a certain duo headlining)

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