pardon me for possibly sounding moronic or a non-gear
head...BUT why is it so many people strive to have the
equipment or know the equipment of "supah" DJs like
Mills, May etc? Why want to be like or sound like

One reason why I fell in love with electronic music is
because it was filled with sounds I never had heard
before. If current producers want to sound like one
another doesn't that just produce stagnation in the
field? Isn't it better to find out how (insert name
here) made the name by toying around rather than them
just giving you the answer so your own flavor is
given? That's one reason why I fell backwards when I
heard  Rotar  for the first time-b/c it was diff't and
left field from any other track I heard at the time.
Rich, Gianelli, Mills, May they are all followed
because they did stuff in the past with out people
giving them answers. It was unique and fresh. If we
keep chasing equipment answers does that mean "unique
and fresh" will eventually evaporate? 

Icons and pedestals are for pop music.

ok, flame me now.

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