normally, i don't post this kind of thing, but i was very happy with the
service i recieved on my flyers from i had to
recommend them to you all for your printing needs...

i am in no way affiliated with them, but they will be recieving my
business in the future.

key points.

they had very competitive price matching programs.. so the cost was as
cheap as i could find it at other places..

jen and ike walked me through the process of submitting files, getting
everything done, etc... and considering i'm on a 486/66 with 4 megs of ram
running DOS 6.2, it was much needed. they even were kind enough to ftp
into various drop zones for me and do the file swapping legwork. 

joe @ twig helped me very personally with the hoard of image problems i
had, without his help, my flyers would've looked rather poor. as it is,
they look beautiful.

they were always available for immediate phone contact, and even when the
shipping got screwed up due to the delivery service, jen was on top of it
for me which expediated the process wonderfully.

anyway, check them out if you need flyers, business cards, etc... i'm very
happy with the service provided.

no more spam from me for awhile.... sorry if this intruded on any list

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email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] // [EMAIL PROTECTED] if no response

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