"DJ HEAT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> once wrote,

> I keep seeing Moby everywere TV, AWARD SHOWS, lite
> radio stations like the river. do you still consider
> him part of the underground click or has he sold out?

Underground?  Surely not.  But I won't chastise him for attaining

But did he stay "techno"?  I mean, I listened to his latest, "Play", and
some of his work afterwards.  And he veers away from techno more and more.
I mean, "Southside", with that girl from No Doubt.  Argh, what absolute
horrendous music to torture my fragile ears with.  "Play" had some gems
(Porcelain comes to mind), but as a whole, it sounded like Moby wanted to
hit the mainstream so much that he shunned his techno roots.  Yes, it sounds
commercial, and yes, by sounding commercial, he sounds less electronic.

Never mind his "punk rock" album he made, I just think Moby is moving away
slowly from what built him up.

Frank Pelletier
"Let them hate me, provided they fear me" - Atreus
Trinity on Dumpshock, Saffron on Sorcery

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