Right, i'll cut straight to the chase. This won't apply to i'd say
99.99% of people on the list so i'll keep it to the point. Can anyone in
the London area possibly lend me a bit of floor space over Easter
weekend, primarily Thursday & Saturday nights & Monday (Early) Morning?
(*) If so, i'd much appreciate it, and will gladly re-pay the favour
next time there's a good line-up on up north in either Liverpool,
Manchester or Leeds.

I know it's (very) short notice, but i'm running out on options quickly.

Also, can anyone confirm the rumour that Rolando is on at Ultimate Base
on the Thursday & if there's a phone no for booking tix for Lost on the

* The morning after Lost, or I'll be sleeping on a bench in Hyde Park

Respond privately if yer can,

Cheers In Advance,
Tom Lawton

"Adventure without risk is Disneyland"

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