Yet while the euro and major label artists are being offered substantial amounts of money to perform, most of the lesser known Detroit artists, unhyped due to never having the opprtunity to even consider being signed to a major label/their hype budget, who've been holding down forever (it seems) have to look at it as an "opportunity" for better things. Why?

I am still in support of the "thing" that we are speaking about, but it is not very different from the tour concept that I just outlined and hopefully will not corporatize beyond our immediate influence. Moreover, the city of Detroit is benefitting the most from all of this...hard dollars and cents. Nonetheless, the creative hardcore in the city WILL ultimately benefit from it...because we are imaginative, aggressive and intelligent in our business as well as our art.

Yes, we have had no choice BUT to riseto the political challenge, sometimes through the art, sometimes through business. Carl Craig is to be applauded for hanging in there and I'm sure politicize in favor of what he believes in. We also have every right to STRONGLY influence and/or defend what we feel is rightfully ours. The proper course of socio-political action is what is called for....any suggestions???

Am I the only one who sees the "underground" techno moniker being used as a way to make millions?? Moreover, am I the only one offended by this trend empowering and enriching the undeserving, the exploiters who ultimately are in pursuit of only glamour and revenue...and does this trend not herald the end of something you care about??

America is unlike Europe in one grandiose way...the money-mongers will exploit the life out of anything they can for short-term acclaim and gain. Integrity, especially artistic integrity, is not factored into the equation at all. I happen not to accept this lying down since it directly affects my livelihood.

Does anything you care about DRIVE you anywhere??? What is the vehicle for your passion???

To: laura gavoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [313] laura gavoor drives a ford focus
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 13:20:33 -0400 (EDT)

> Here's one for the records:  Ford Focus is sponsoring a "Techno tour"
> (cutesy-cute) starring our boy Moby and not ONE Detroit artist who were
> asked to participate WITHOUT PAY simply to substantiate their grooooooovy
> new tag line.  Coming to a theatre near you.

you might have noticed talk of another little "cutesy-cute" thing that
ford focus is sponsoring? I'm not going to name names here, but I think if
you think about it hard enough, you'll remember it.

then again, as detroit is the motherland of techno, ford should be obliged
to acknowledge it and only it when hoping to sell units to
twentysomethings, right?

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