Thank you for these words, they are quite inspiring...  I would like to let
you know that I grew up in the suburbs of Detroit my whole life but have
never been a stranger to the city...  I actually spent last summer/fall
working for the thanksgiving day parade welding floats at their
warehouse/studio, and I am moving downtown in a few weeks to finish school
at Wayne State (hopefully) in addition to numerous other times I've
been/stayed in detroit...

My main issue was not that I wanted to sample those artists, because at the
core of it I don't really, I just wanted to see how people felt about KDJ's
words, people on both sides of the coin... I've been following detroit
techno for about 8 years now since I was 15...  I played at Detroit parties
between the ages of 17 and 19...  I know I may not be as learned or
knowlegeable as many people on this list but I have done my homework and I
do listen and constantly absorb new Ideas...  I actually grew up in Canton
just a few miles from Belleville and I now live in A2 temporarily, only a
couple miles from EMU ( a school I attended), and WCC...  I've walked the
places where the innovators have walked, both here and downtown...  It's
just hard to be told by KDJ or anyone else for that matter that I may be too
white to understand something....  I just wanted to say that we all can
appreciate art...  Art of all kinds no matter where it is from, and no
matter where we are from...  Art is about interpretation and
internalization, and I was just saying we shouldn't be so stringent on what
people can think and feel about a piece of music...  No matter who we are
and no matter who they are... It takes a completly open and empathetic
person to be an artist IMHO and I feel the same goes for being a  fan of

And as for the 'what would richie do' thing...  I would definitely do the
opposite...  I'm not a very big fan...

But besides that  I'm actually pressing an EP for the DEMF this year, so
I'll have to get you one so you can let me know if you approve... The tracks
will be available in Real Audio on my website soon as well...  I think
you'll find it speaks from my soul substantially enough, without samples at
all :-)...  I don't really seek to make 'detroit' music...  I just seek to
make 'scott' music...  Detroit just happens to be a part of me because its
where I want to be, and the suburbs are a part of me because it's where I
was ;-)...  We grow up where we're forced grow up... We end up where we want
to end up....

Thanks again,

- sb
One Ear to the Ground Communications (Coming Soon!!)

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