Next up would be the appreciation of what we have.. like i said before, i think
the format in which we present our stuff to the world (vinyl that is) is an
intricate part of our product, and the whole package, artwork, soundquality,
inscriptions etc are part of the thing we make, painting on canvas is different
from painting on wood, and presenting our music in a mix makes the track
different from presenting it in a certain order, or as part of a specific
selection. I try to make a considerable effort to present the whole deal and
hope u all can appreciate it as such! It´s not for nothing that every release i
do gets a 3 months delay just to get the "Pole" touch and the same goes for the
long struggle to get the print right, find the colors for the label, even the
press-release sheet gets my full attention. availability is not important for
me, i agree, but that´s not arrogance, it´s just about howfar my budget
stretches. I hope u can make us grow, we´ll try make it worth ur while!


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