
Just a quick line, in seeing so many new names and fresh comments on the
two lists, we at flatplastic thought it might be a good time to renew
our mission within your minds.

Flatplastic was begun on Boston's 90.3 wzbc FM, a non-commercial radio
station from Boston College. There flatplasticFM represented house, dub,
techno, electro and avante garde electronic music in a continuous
mixshow from 11pm to 2am every saturday night for roughly 3 years, every
week. Although we had an enthusiastic and commited audience, the show
was only broadcast to the Boston and surrounding areas, so we gradually
migrated the show onto the internet as well as on the radio.

With a massive audience worldwide, music fans of these genres can enjoy
broadcast quality programming, any time, through flatplastic.com.

We recieve emails from all over the world every day in support of our
musical mission, as well as tremendous support from the artists whose
music we so passionately represent. You can expect future guests from
across the map, and the inside scoop on releases you won't hear anywhere
else, on or off the internet. So enjoy the music, listen to the shows,
and most importantly support the artists who make this music by going
out and buying your favorite releases, so they can continue to produce
art thatr enhances the quality and integrity of all of our lives.

Love // Giles Dickerson // FP selector

G i l e s  D i c k e r s o n
A r t  D i r e c t o r

D I G I T A S / B O S T O N

t + 6 1 7  3 6 9  8 6 0 1
m + 6 1 7  8 9 9  9 6 3 5

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