Hi everyone,

Well all the votes have been counted and recounted. Thanks to Roberto, Tim, and 
Mike for helping out with that. We had two designs that pretty much got the 
majority of the attention from the list. Actually the vote swung several times 
between the two. I know several of you said it was a difficult choice to pick 
between them. So the race was really between C and D or if your memory is a 
little fuzzy, the 'record case' vs. the 'ren cen'.
Last sunday as I reviewed my totals and got some of the other numbers in, it 
was clear that we didn't have one landslide winner, but two close contenders. I 
had an idea, and spoke to Mike at Recordtime yesterday and we both agreed that 
the two designs were very different and unique. So instead of limiting the 
choice to one winner, both C and D will be produced. Both the designers have 
already been contacted and given the news. Congratulations got out to both of 
them. C (the record case)was designed by Chris who posts as [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
And the designer of D (with a nod to UR) is going to remain anonymous. Again 
both of them will be sporting free shirts for their efforts.
So what happens from here, well I have gotten some questions about price, 
availability, and ordering. As far as price goes, I am talking with Mike at 
Recordtime about that and some of it will depend on the initial order. I am 
already in the process of getting quotes from printers together. For now it 
looks like we should be able to have them at RT around the second week of May, 
maybe a little sooner. I'd like to personally thank Mike for being interested 
in this project and helping out.
As always if any of you have any questions you can email me privately but I 
really can't provide a lot of specific details at this point. As soon as more 
news piles up I will post another update.

Thanks again to everyone,

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