Ok, I think we should call upon the visitors of the DEMF to storm the Ford headquarters and tear it down...

No, seriously, this is a very bad development. Here in Europe a lot of people wonder why electronic music doesn't catch on in the land of origin as it does in Europe. Lurking around this list and seeing it first hand + numerous accounts of interviewed artists have given me a better insight in this. It's really sad to see that now things are moving a bit thanks to the DEMF and the enormous efforts of lots of people (RESPECT!), now, after all of this, the 'big boys' move in again.

However hard we try some youngsters are going to get sucked into this marketing bullshit and get a totally wrong outlook upon the whole technothing. Nevertheless we should stick together and try to keep people informed and aware. Not an easy task, but it may come to a point where we have to put aside competition among eachother for a greater cause.


P.S. Yes, SFX already caused a major stir here in Belgium when they moved to buy almost every freakin' festival we have here. :-(

From: "laura gavoor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: [313] conspiracy theory.......
Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 18:19:52

Please to note that not only is Ford sniffing about to position and
brand/align themselves to this culture but they've joined hands with the
MIGHTY, mighty SFX....a huge entertainment monopoly owning well over 1700
radio stations and close to that number in television/cable interests (dunno
the specifics on tellie/cable) and are currently buying up interests in
multiple promotion/marketing/labels etc. throughout America and Europe
pumpin' our sound.

Moreover, they've been soliciting "supposed" business proposals from a
myriad of marketers and purveyors of the funk....to get ideas...with no
monies being broken off to compensate...just empty promises.  This is also
happenin' across Amercia currently.

Funksters BEWARE!!

As the rock beast lies ailing.....they've set their sights on us.
Moby/et.al's tour which the detroit techno triumvirate so recently sold out
(rather cheaply) have played into their hands in what i think is the most
unbecoming way.  While each and every one of us has to do what we think is
right, this move rather rubs me the wrong way by legitimizing "The Man's"
right to our shit.

Dunno what will come of this, but from  Moby on to Ritual/Amir, Vince
Bannon, J. Walter Thompson, Ford Motor Co. and SFX--all stand to garner huge
positioning/branding opportunities...thereby diverting monies away from ALL
OF US to be the kings of dance music.

Moreover, the DEMF is at the center of it all.  While Carl Craig/Planet
E/Tim Price is slaving away contacting and contracting all the
talent--Ritual Productions is the official talent buyer for the DEMF...What?
 Last year, I received official offers from them and that was it.  This
year haven't heard an official peeep from 'the official/contracted talent
buyer' for the festival and I'm booking 2 headlining acts and one other
artist.  Ritual has a three year agreement with Ms. Marvin, I believe and I
have to ask why.  Could it be........Satan?  Future King and Queen of
Detroit Techno? Plegh! Not going to happen using my back as a steppingstone
for their clamor to the top of the pile.

Good fortune is exactly that.  But out and out greed is what I'm sensing /
smelling.  HEADZ UP!

While those of us producing and owning music will do alright...the rest of
us will definetly feel this movement I think rather piercingly. Not here to
criticize anyone for any decisions they've made...but the
family/culture/movement and sound were not, I think, part of the equation
when the decision was rendered.

Moreover, as the corporatization of dance is occurring WE MUST stick/stand
together and not fall apart--else all we've heretofore fought for will be
for naught.....

Other peeps thoughts please?  Don't wanna be, but am currently on 'red
alert' with regard to my daily bread and butter..................

From: Nick Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: [313] Interesting Insight
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 17:46:02 +0100 (BST)

What a wicked post... A last a chance for some REAL

>  Basically, what it boils down to is...unless we
> break
> the cycle-we're our own worst enemy.
> *Re the part about ford: Ford is trying to label or
> brand Detroit techno.They want to own this. They
> want
> to reach a point where 'techno=cool=fun=Ford' and
> one
> owes itself to the other. I owe this eye opener to
> Miss G.
> The only way they'll own it is if its allowed. I'm
> not
> saying ban the DEMF or Ford's money. But rather, use
> them as the rich aunt. Sure, throw the money around
> all you want-but it doesn't mean I'm suddenly going
> to
> praise you or acknowledge you in my life liner
> notes.

Totally, I've mentioned this before ages ago...
There're a lot of people involved in this scene at
roots level. If there're people at this level then it
can never become commercial and it will never be
possible to stick it in it's own special rack in HMV
or Tower... Detroit techno is just tooooo broad.

Example... There is still good underground hip hop
about despite the fact that it's all in the charts
(stateside and in Europe) and has sprung in and out of
"fashion" a few times over the past 20 years. The
reason for this is that it's easy to produce and
there're lots of kids at roots level that can just
pick up a mike and MC without even considering getting
a big record deal... That's when the best music is

In fact, I spoke to a mate about this the other day.
We came to the conclusion that most legendary bands
and artists only ever produce one really great album,
the first one... Then they start making money and
there's no enthusiasm to create good new music
anymore... Not true for all bands tho obviously.

This links with the recent posts about secertive
producers... Lots of producers have released stuff on
UR but are never credited and they don't care. That's
one of the reasons the label is so good and so true to
detroit techno...

What do you think?


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