> You know,
> after hearing about the ad in SPIN calling for an
> attendance of more than
> 3 million, and hearing all of the crap about SFX being in
> the mix,
> Im wondering if it would be more enjoyable to spend my
> memorial day
> weekend in the comfort of my own home, listening to
> recordings of the
> scheduled artists, and remembering DEMF 2000, before it
> turned into Area
> One.

Ian, don't take this personally, but the one thing that I
keep getting reminded of is that last year leading up to
the first DEMF, there was a lot of negativity, speculation
on who would/wouldn't show, etc... and ya know, it was
simply the best musical experience ever. Will this year be
the same? Probably not. Will it be the 2nd best musical
experience ever? Most likely. 

The speculation, moaning, blah blah blah about DEMF is a
mirror of the attitudes on this list by and large. People
need to be thankful for a good thing - even if it's not
100%. Nothing is. It was the same story on this list last

If you go into the festival expecting it to be the same as
last year, it will probably be a let down. If you go in
expecting to have a damn good time, and accept it for what
it is - you'll probably have a blast. 

Disclaimer: The only reason I think it will be any
different for me this year, is because I've already been,
and I don't think it could be possible to duplicate the
electricity in the air last year. I'm almost as happy with
the lineup this year as last. 


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