--- g g <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The funny thing is that the corporate
> world see's this as an 
> opportunity to make money.  I'll say that again,
> If the festival has that much potential to acctually
> garner 
> multi-bazillion-trillion-million dollar company's
> attention, why do we need 
> them. I know that their motive is to get the next, last,
> and current 
> generations to buy their cars.  That's totally f**ked.
> I can not under any circumstance hold any bad feelings or
> grudges towards 
> Carl Craig or the Planet E staff.  The festival is
> brilliant.
> The music is what it's all about, and the line-up is
> wicked. But the 
> corporate machine can f**k off.
> d_elviselvis

If there were any gaurantees about the success of DEMF II
absent corporate sponsorship, it wouldn't be there. Did you
read the interview with Carol Marvin? They funded this out
of their own pockets last year. If she's raising four kids,
I'm sure it would be difficult to justify that risk while
building on the success of last year when corporate
sponsorship is banging down the door. From what I'm
hearing, Ford's hand in the quality of the event is nearly
invisible. While this may not be true going forward, I
can't see it as an entirely bad thing *in this instance*.
The festival may not have happened like it did last year
without sponsorship from someone. We cetainly shouldn't
treat the success of last year's festival as a gaurantee of
success this year from an organiztional point of view. 

Would we be griping if we had to pay this year? Yes we
would - or at least some people would. 

How many "free" internet sites we love are maintained
through low-key ads and sponsorship? I think we like to
have our cake and eat it too when it comes to this matter.
I'm not saying I wouldn't prefer a festival funded out of
the organizer's pockets, but to be realistic about it, that
sort of thing almost never happens. What if Carl Craig put
all of his money down on the festival and for some
unforeseen reason it flopped, and Planet E went under as a
result? Would that be a wise business decision? Maybe
that's not a perfectly constructed scenario for how things
would go down, but I think the point is there. 


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